
Konversation License: MIT Stars

Konversation is a tool to generate rich and diversified responses to the user of a voice application. You can support multiple platforms and different output devices at once, as watches, speaker, smart displays and TVs. Multiple languages are also supported.
This library can be used in Kotlin, Java, node.js and in the browser. You can define your intent model in ksv files. Which you can export directly to the Alexa Developer console, together with the ASK SDK you can deploy it directly to Amazon if you like.

Konversation has integrations for multiplatform Voice Assistant and Chatbot libraries like Dialog for JVM languages like Kotlin and Java and ChatbotBase for script languages like TypeScript or JavaScript.

Table of contents

Code usage

Here is a sample how a help intent can be implemented with Konversation and Dialog or ChatbotBase.

Konversation file (*.kvs)

In this sample you will see how a diversified output can be generated with Konversation. If you want to know the full syntax please check the file format documentation.

- I can tell you about
- What do you want to know?
- Jokes, Offers or Payment.
- Offers, Jokes or Payment.
- Payment, Offers or Jokes.
- Please {choose|select} one topic.
?1 In which topic are you intersted in?
[Jokes] [Offers] [Payment]

This small sample above will create one of those random outputs:


Here is a sample how a help intent can be implemented in kotlin with Dialog:

class HelpIntentHandler : MultiPlatformIntentHandler {
    override val intentNames: List<String>
        get() = listOf(AMAZON_HELP, HELP)

    override fun handleDialogflow(input: DialogflowHandler): DialogflowResponseBuilder {
        val output = input.loadKonversation("HelpIntent").createOutput()
        return input.responseBuilder

    override fun handleAlexa(input: HandlerInput): ResponseBuilder {
        val output = input.loadKonversation("HelpIntent").createOutput()
        return input.responseBuilder


The same sample as above when you use ChatbotBase:

export class HelpIntent implements IntentHandler {
    createOutput(input: Input, translations: TranslationProvider): Output | Promise<Output> {
        return new Reply(input, translations).addReply("HelpIntent");

    isSupported(input: Input): boolean {
        return input.intent == "HelpIntent" || input.intent == "Amazon.HelpIntent";

Please note that ChatbotBase has currently no support to apply the suggestions or reprompts.

Usage export

The export required the command line interface or the gradle plugin (the gradle plugin can currently export only Alexa).

Example project

Here is a fictive shop interaction model without the prompts, repromts and suggestions:

! {|I want to} buy a 
! I need  

! {|Buy|Select|Order} {product|number|article|thing|gadget} 

This will generate 2 Intents with in total 23 utterances. In single brackets are alternatives which are divided by the pipe symbol. In the BuyIntent are two permutations which define 4*5=20 utterances; just written in one single line and still readable. Here are some samples:

In the utterance I need are two slot values (Amazon naming) or entities (Google naming). Those variables are marked by double brackets and have a optional name in the front of the type. In the sample is the name “count” with the data type “number” used amd the custom slot type/entity “product”.

The required product.values definition could look like this:

Google Home Mini
Google Home
Nest Hub
Echo Dot
Echo Show

For more details check the file format documentation.

Export to Amazon

To export the intent schema for a skill named “Test” into the file “schema.json” you need to execute:

$ konversation --export-alexa schema.json -invocation "Test" shop.kvs product.values

Please note that the order of the commands are not important you can also use wildcards as *.kvs or slots/*.values.

Export to Dialogflow

To export the intents to Dialogflow for a skill named “Test” you need to execute:

$ konversation --export-dialogflow . -invocation "Test" shop.kvs product.values

This will generate a dialogflow-.zip file in the current (.) directory containing all the intents, utterances and entities. We are aware that the naming of the output file is suboptimal and will change until the final release of the cli version 1.1.0.


This Projects consists of a lot of modules, some parts are still in early development and not yet pushed.

CLI latest brew version is 2.0.0-beta1 latest chocolaty version is 2.0.0-beta1

The command line interface (CLI) has the task to generate the from the supported input formats (kvs, grammar and values) to the output formats (kson, txt, json, and zip) depending on the arguments and use cases.
Konversation can be installed with brew (for Linux and MacOS) and with chocolaty for Windows. For detailed instructions check the readme file.
In version 1.1 will be added the export for Dialogflow with zip files.
In version 1.2 provisioning will follow, that will allow you to integrate konversation into your CI/CD flow to automatically update your Alexa or Dialogflow project.

Runtime latest JVM runtime version is 1.0.1 latest JS runtime version is 1.0.3

The runtime has 3 modules: a shared module for base classes which are used in the cli and each one module for JVM and JavaScript usage. So you can use Konveration in JVM languages like Kotlin and Java and JavaScript languages like ECMAScript or TypeScript. To keep the JS interface as simple as possible there is also a small facade to use the runtime in a more natural way without using the kotlin classes.

Gradle plugin latest version is 1.0.0 latest version is 2.0.0-beta1

The gradle plugin create some hooks into the gradle build to create the required kson files for the runtime and add them to your resources directory. So you don’t need to use the cli if you are using gradle as build system.


Version 1.0 released

Version 1.1 release candidate

Version 2.0 testing

Version 2.1 planned

IntelliJ Plugin work in progress

Want to help?

You found a bug? Please open a new issue and tag it with the problematic component.
You want to contribute? Please check the open issues and feel free to add a pull request ;-)